How did it all start ?

How did it all start ?

Bibliophiles Journey

When I found out I was going to be a mom, a dream took root in my heart. I wanted my baby to fall in love with the world of books, just like I did when I was a kid.

Mother and child reading

So, I started to look for books that would be perfect for my little one. But I quickly realized, finding the right books wasn't that easy. There were so many types of books out there, but not all of them were easily available.

Books for kids

That didn't stop me. I rolled up my sleeves and began my hunt. I talked to publishers, distributors from different parts of the world, and soon, my baby had a little library of over 700 books waiting for her. Before long, she was three, and every night, we had a little ritual. She'd pick out three books, and we'd explore the stories together before bedtime.

Library of books

Seeing this, my mom-friends got curious. They started asking me for book recommendations for their little ones. And each time, I'd dive into our little library, find books that I thought would suit their kids, and share them. It was fun, and it felt good to help. Before I knew it, what started as a fun little activity became a big idea. Why not help more parents find the right books for their kids?

Book sharing

That’s how my little venture, Bibliophiles, was born. It was a simple idea – help parents find amazing, well-suited books for their kids without any hassle. I wanted to help them make good choices, so their kids could enjoy reading, learn, and grow. Bibliophiles was all about giving parents a helping hand, guiding them to choose quality over quantity, to pick books that mattered over having lots of stuff that didn’t. "Our mantra is less is more and quality over quantity," became the guiding principle of Bibliophiles. It was not just about selling books, but about sharing the joy of reading with others. It was about helping parents make choices that were good for their kids, about reducing the clutter and focusing on what truly mattered - nurturing a love for reading and learning in the young hearts.

"Our mantra is less is more and quality over quantity," became the guiding principle of Bibliophiles. It was not just about selling books, but about sharing the joy of reading with others. It was about helping parents make choices that were good for their kids, about reducing the clutter and focusing on what truly mattered - nurturing a love for reading and learning in the young hearts.
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1 comment

Your story is a true inspiration. I want to be like you..will you teach me ?


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